הסכם הפיוס בין הארגונים הפלסטינים: עמדת אירופה ותשובת מפלגת העבודה

Dear Mr. Rasmussen

We have received this morning the statement issued by the PES on the reconciliation agreement between the Fatah and the Hamas, as well as your own declaration.

I have been asked by the leadership our Party to respond to this statement.
The reconciliation between the Fatah and the Hamas carries with it the potential for positive developments as well as the dangers of a situation which will sanction Hamas with its extreme positions against Israel and the Fatah . There is no doubt that should the agreement be signed this week, after lengthy negotiations, it will be a first step towards a renewed unity of the Palestinian people and of the political class. Overcoming the split between the West Bank and Gaza has always been a prerequisite for a final resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

And yet, you must be aware – as we sadly are – that there are those in the Hamas, and they are still a majority , who are not interested in a two-state solution and who seek the long-term destruction of the State of Israel.

Unfortunately, you seem to ignore this danger, as this element is absent from your statement. A more balanced and reasonable position should have included the expectation that the new unity government, when it is formed, will still be committed to the two-state solution, that it will be willing to reaffirm the renunciation of the use of violence and terror against Israeli civilians, and that existing security agreements will be maintained.

These questions become all the more important in the light of the possibility of United Nations recognition , this fall, of a Palestinian State.

Dear President Rasmusen , we expect our friends within the social democratic family to support views that will advance the cause of peace, by addressing both the dangers

and the opportunities. We do hope that you will find a way to issue a statement that will address these issues.

Thanking you for your attention, I am


Colette Avital
International Secretary

תאריך פרסום:05/05/2011